Searey Normal Water Takeoff Demo
A demonstration of a normal water takeoff in the Searey Elite SLSA amphibious aircraft from lake Idamere in Tavares, Florida. The Searey is made in America, manufactured in Tavares, Florida, and has a base price of $139,000. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Voyage of te Souther Sun trailer
Adventurer of the Year Michael Smith in his amphibious plane Southern Sun became the first solo cirumnaviator in 2015. Owner of Melbourne's Sun Theatre, this Rob Murphy documentary film celebrates the highs and lows of an extraordinary adventure, with an array of spectacular imagery from around the world.
World Premiere April 12th 2017:
Sun Theatre, Melbourne, Australia
M/Y SuRi Charters 22 Graus
Wild-Eyed Fun in a Searey
For pure, undiluted fun, there's nothing quite like operating a small flying boat off a remote lake. In this video, AVweb's Paul Bertorelli takes a test flight in a new Searey Elite. The company is now selling these airplanes as SLSA aircraft.
Searey Demonstration Flight for Ex-Top Gun Instructor
Join ex-Top Gun instructor, aerobatic pilot and current commercial airline pilot Alex Howell for a "Ride-a-Long" with Searey designer Kerry Richter.