FAA Approved SeaRey Fast Built Kit

Progressive Aerodyne has received approval from the FAA to offer our QUICK-BUILD KIT for our hugely successful SeaRey LSX. This Quick-Build SeaRey Kit has been added to the FAA 51% compliant list. This is an option long requested by some of our SeaRey kit customers, as they are more comfortable with allowing our professional workers in the factory to build and cover their wings. Others consider the savings of perhaps months of time in the build. These wings will be built on the same line as our soon-to-be certified SLSA aircraft, by the same skilled technicians, and to the same quality standards.

This kit will consist of fully constructed and fabric-covered left and right wings, ailerons, and flaps, and all component parts to construct the remainder of the airframe and empennage. They can be purchased separately in sets of wings, ailerons, and flaps. The FAA has decided that to include the tail sections would exceed the 51% rule. However, most customers find that portion less overwhelming, and can actually be enjoyable to build to gain experience of fabric covering.

The cost was reasonably set at market labor rate, and well accepted by builders queried.

The fast built kit is available now. Please call SeaRey at 352-253-0108 to inquire about available production slots.

Categories: Searey News


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Visit us at Sun-n-Fun April 9th through the 14th.

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