For the past nine years in the warming, spring time air of Central Florida, Russ and Lou Ann Garner, owners of Garner's Landing private seaplane base has hosted an annual gathering of Searey Owners. For comradery and fun Seareys appear in the sky over Garner's Landing as they come from far and near to join the annual SeaRey Gathering in Central Florida.
The event has turned into a world record as 27 SeaReys showed up at the 2006 gathering. Their event corresponds to the opening day of the Sun N' Fun spring fly in held at Lakeland Linder Airport in Lakeland, Florida.. Garner's Landing, with its large yard and wide shoreline and gentle slopping entrance into the calm waters of Lake Arietta makes the property uniquely suited for amphibious aircraft. Garner's Landing is a registered private seaplane base with the identifier of (1fl0) on the Orlando/Tampa TCA charts. As always, Lou Ann treats everyone to her great spaghetti lunch with the ladies of the fly in providing many, yummy desserts. And don't forget that great RAFFLE!!! So as Russ lands them and stacks them, Lou Ann feeds them!